Sunday, December 1, 2019


This control sets the intensity of the additional faint and fuzzy pseudo-random spikes that accompany the main spikes. You may eMail us at: With this tool active, you can show effects on specific stars or a group of stars within a rectangle. During the setup, you have the option to select what version suits your system best and in which tool you want to be integrated. More detailed descriptions of what the controls do can be found below, and don't forget to look over our list of Frequently Asked Questions. starspikes pro 2

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This control sets the amount of the repeating multicolored "rainbow" pri in the primary and secondary spikes. This control adjusts the interpretation of the star colors from within your image.

Control Descriptions When running the plug-in, you may hover your mouse over a control for a few seconds to see a quick description of what the control does and any keyboard shortcut that is assigned to the control. Optically, higher focal length systems generally produce a more gradually repeating pattern, and you can use this control to closely match optical results.

Note that larger dialog sizes require more computer resources to render preview displays, so smaller sizes may yield faster display updates.

StarSpikes Pro 2 Plug-in by ProDigital Software

With this tool active, you can show effects on specific stars or a group of stars within a rectangle. This control sets the rate at which the multicolored "rainbow" pattern repeats.

starspikes pro 2

Please look over our extensive interactive instruction manual and help file by clicking here. ;ro sets can be saved via the Save, Load and Delete Parameter Sets menu icon just to the right of the Settings selector. This control pr the intensity of the soft glow around a star. You can disable the preview, and view only the effects.

Click on the question mark on any dialog to see the help page for that dialog in the interactive manual. Settings Selector Keyboard Shortcuts: It classifies their brightnesses and colors, displays the image, and allows you to manipulate the controls.

starspikes pro 2

The effects to be rendered in the image are previewed in satrspikes preview display viewport, and are updated upon any control change. The current level of zoom is displayed as a percentage. Click to load comments. When running the plug-in, you may hover your mouse over a control for a few seconds to see a quick description of what the control does and any keyboard shortcut that is assigned to the control.

Stability enhancements in the color-management subsystem, to better handle poorly formed color profiles. You will see the preview image update immediately upon making control changes. Starspike the full changelog.

August 9, Trial.

starspikes pro 2

It has been replaced by a newer version. All in all, StarSpikes Pro is a reliable and interactive program, which comes in the form of an Starwpikes Photoshop plug-in to offer simple means to add glowing diffraction spikes to your images.

StarSpikes Pro - Free download and software reviews - CNET

Depending on your prior image processing, the star colors picked up by StarSpikes Pro 2 may be too greenish or purplish, and this control allows you to compensate for that to some degree.

Click here to learn more about the latest version.

Once clicked, a new separate window is brought up. Show Tool Keyboard Shortcuts: Several different ways, in fact: From the first category, you have the option to tweak the quantity, intensity, length, angle, the number of points, and sharpness. The interface is self-explanatory and simple, displaying starrspikes sliders for the spikes properties, and a preview, on the left.

Getting Started

With this tool active, you can drag the image around in the viewport to see different parts. The plug-in chooses stars to spike and how much to spike them based on perceived brightness and the Intensity setting you choose. This control allows you to match the sharpness of the stars in the image by making the spikes more crisp or fuzzy. Added installer support for Photoshop Elements 11 and several starspimes editor versions not yet released.

You can deselect specific stars in the image by using the X tool while running starsipkes plug-in. Allows you to load pre-defined sets of parameters.

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