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Notify me of new comments via email. August 28, at 4: August 19, at 1: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: August 19, at 2: September 21, at 7: nahi parha maine pura saal video

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One, that Hassan Jahangir invented the haircut that Justin Beiber popularised.

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Notify me of new posts via email. October 7, at 9: October 18, at 3: The only difference is that Cracked have been the best humour site around since September 7, at nwhi Oh God please stop!!!

Are those even lyrics?

Nahi parha mein ne pura saal by WAQAR ZAKA (1996-97)

Properly dissected the songs and artists. August 28, at 4: August 7, at The song, and video, are a failure of epic proportions. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.

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Still deserved to be fifth worst rather than the worst. I can only assume it was aired only that one time. Saleem Javed has shown time and again that he has no shame and if possible, even less musical talent.

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In fact, even this song is actually a parody of Dr. He bursts into the video wearing an overcoat and jaunty hat, though coupled with the red shirt kind of reminds me of Freddy Kreuger. September 8, at 5: September 10, at You know you want to!

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August 19, at 6: Thoroughly enjoyed your article. Email Subscription Ever wondered how to get through those long boring ass work days?

Cracked, as an institution, has been around sincebut only recently shifted its operations entirely online. February 2, at 2: We can only hope the world and music itself, will eventually forgive us.

Nahi parha mein ne pura saal by WAQAR ZAKA () - Watch or Download |

August 19, at This felt like I was reading a desi version of http: And although our movie industry was always little more than a joke, our music was always well received and renowned internationally. Well done, Big Pen!!! August 19, Ali Raza 39 Comments.

August 25, at 7: As a regular reader of Cracked, I could see the writer trying to emulate its style, but there was waay too much hyperbole.

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